Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Wet Morning

     Some showers with embedded lightning strikes are passing through southeast Manitoba and the RRV so far this morning. Only about 2 to 5 mm of rain is expected with this pre-frontal precipitation.
     Bigger storms are passing along the International Border and up to Minnedosa, and have been for much of the overnight. As a result, excessive amounts of rain has fallen in some areas. 50-100 mm of rain has fallen in the Turtle Mountain, Boissevain and Killarney region so far, and it is still raining in these areas as we speak.
     Some of these storms may reach the Winnipeg area later this morning, however uncertainty in this exists still. It is hard to say if they will weaken, or strengthen. Stay tuned to the comment section below for my updates. If these storms do reach Winnipeg, localized amounts of 10 to 20 mm will be possible.
     Things will begin to clear out later in the afternoon today, allowing temperatures to rise into the high twenties by early evening.


  1. Cell is going to graze the city of Winnipeg within the next hour. Lots of lightning and heavy rain are the main threats, along with some localized hail and strong winds.

  2. Storms continue to form over the city and to our southwest. Expect showers and thunderstorms to continue for perhaps another hour.
